I love u

by luvlydisaster   Feb 15, 2007

When we talk it brings a smile
to my face and when we
fight it brings tears to my eyes..
when we wear down i die inside from
missing you even though we've never really met.

boy when you say these things..
it brings tears of joy to my eyes..
you show me that you truly care for me. even though you cant stand me at times.

you trip me out..
cause you sit at home.
waiting for me to show up on your
door step.. even though you know
that wont be for awhile.

I'm going to school.. waiting for graduation day when i can run into your arms.. and then we can live like we should have from the word start.
- in each others arms -

we get into fights like no one else..
we say things that shouldn't be said.
and yet we do it cause we know it
pisses each other off..
and we love it.

i see the clouds clearing up and the
sun shine through..
yea this is when we say were sorry and luv each other to death..
but then here comes those dark clouds again and the thunder storm is back on again..
this is the cycle of our relationship.

I'm addicted to all that you do..
i just cant leave you..
cause i know that in the end i will always end up coming back into your arms.

what I'm trying to say is
i love you just like you love me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley

    Awesome job!. im going through the same exact thing.. lol the whole, i dont know him really, i love him, we fight lol for no reason maybe just because we can't actually see each other and we want to.. but ya you should read my poem COUDN"T BE TRUE.. it's about the same situation.. well great job love it...