Struggling to please you

by White Chocolate Dynamite   Feb 15, 2007

I am struggling to find a way to make myself more attractive to you,
And I am trying so hard to please you my love.
But then I found out that I don't need money, I don't need fame to please you,
This makes me full of peace, I know its from the good lord above.

Then I started thinking we would make a great team,
Because we understand each other.
And its like we are in a beautiful dream,
To give up our love for each other, I would never.

I know this might seem bizarre,
And it might be like a work of art.
But that's because your my star,
And I will love you forever in my heart


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  • 18 years ago

    by Spiker 03

    Hey Nathan, this one was great, I loved it. Keep up the good work.5/5
    Luv Ya! your Lil' Sis~Morgan~

  • 18 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    But that's because your my star,
    i would def have to say that was my fav. part of the whole thing and i liked the we make a greart team part also good job keep writting & ill keep reading 5/5 always
    ur fav