Devil's Game

by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere   Feb 16, 2007

[[ For this you got to read this poem a few times. I think the ending of this poem would really get you thinking. Please don't comment saying you didn't understand. ]]

Winding and curving road,
Disappears in the mist,
Formations of the Devil,
Is what you see.


Standing in the rain,
With the rain pattering in your hair,
Two cars head past each other,
One slips and drives into the other,
Twisted metal crammed together,
Blood running down the windshield.


Been called a murderer,
Lays on his thin bed,
"959496 step out",
It's his court date today,
Three hours of deliberation from the jurors,
"Tim E. Marshall has been found guilty,
He will serve life."
It just cannot be true.


A little girl hiding in a corner,
With the moon revealing her,
A man grabs her by the neck,
Pulls her by her hair,
And throws her against the wall,
Oh, what will happen next.


Just ten-years-old,
Little Hannah-Nicole's face,
Is all around town and on the news,
Gone missing with no where to be found,
She's got school tomorrow,
What will happen when her friends see,
She's not there.


A river between the grassy plains,
There lays a motionless body,
Long thin brow hair,
Matted with mud and insects,
Search dogs are just ten feet away,
Just a little further,
And another mystery solved.


Just another teenager homeless on the streets,
Parents couldn't accept,
Their daughter a drug user,
She's got tears running down her face,
Her boyfriend doesn't want to be with her anymore,
Where will she go,
Where will she turn.


The Devil is playing his cards,
Winning at this game,
Nothing will stop,
Until he has his way,
Every time you blink,
Another thing has happened.

We are his players,
This world is the game board,
One will go,
One will come,
Endless game of unfortunate events.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by beav

    This is amazing. great concept. i love the effect of the word 'blink'. so good! great visual words. 5 for you!!

  • 18 years ago

    by amoxi

    Wow, this poem was too go for words it was great, i dont even know what to say to explain how good it was i really enjoyed reading it you're a great writer 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Wow zi really really enjoyed this one. I loved your repetition of "Blink" And wow it makes you think a lot. The flow was really very good. I loved the format you put the poem in. I loved the way you worded it. You have a lot of talent.

    Keep writin!

  • 18 years ago

    by Bronze Flowers

    You're right. It really does make you think.