Comments : Trapped

  • 18 years ago

    by nikki

    Wow great poem, i loved it, 5 from me, p.s if ya have time can you comment on some of mine

  • 18 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Scary, maybe you should go in the horror stories industry.

    your servant:

  • 18 years ago

    by Honey Kisses 18

    I thought that this poem was great.. I like the way you showed how you were trapped within the grips of some unknown demon that will never let you out of his grasp.. Great poem..

  • 18 years ago

    by Br0k3n

    Great work leads to great poem :)
    "I can always feel it there,
    never leaving.
    Its presence lingering in the darkest place."
    Love that one ^.^
    Anyway, I read all of your poems, like the way you write, although you don't rhyme much. Especially liked "When will the world understand?", "Losing you" & "I had a dream" and I'm addin ya to my favourites :). When you'll have time, check mines pwease.
    Much love, Br0k3n

  • 17 years ago

    by Flying Phoenix

    Well they're definitly all interesting poems. Quite suicidal, but hey thats what being a teenagers all about!

    Must stop hitting myself for my pure blind ignorance of everything.

    See ya soon my dear

    LF xxx