I was not the one who beat you

by Chelsey   Feb 16, 2007

I'm not the one who beat you

I will try my best to not be insulting
I will try my best to not come across rude
Please don't read this as if I'm yelling at you
Please don't think I'm in an angry mood

But quite frankly I am so sick and tired
Of being discriminated because of my race
I'm not sure why it matters to you
Whether I have a black or white face

Why is it you look at me with hatred?
Why is it you look at me with evil eyes?
I was not the one who beat you
So why is it me that you despise?

You constantly bring up the slavery issue
As if I can change what happened in the past
And if I could I give you my word
I would never let slavery last

But you hate white people for the simple fact
Back in the days your people got beat
They worked long hours in the days
Didn't get much food to eat

But listen here, times have changed
I can pick my own food now
I can tend to my own fields
I will work and sweat from my own brows

Please stop treating me as if I lived
Back in the day when for blacks it was hard
Because I have no cruel bone in my body
I wish I had the power to change how your people scarred

But I'm just a fifteen year old girl
Who wants to be accepted like everyone else
Who enjoys the company of any person
Regardless of color, weight, or health

So please I ask you nicely and sincerely
To not compare me to slave owners who were here
Because times have changed dramatically since then
I'm not who white people were back in those years

The next time I hear you say a rude comment
I'm not afraid to tell you how I feel
I'll just be sticking up for myself and the whites
Like you would say "just keeping it real"

Again I say I am sorry for what your people went through
I'm sorry for the blood and sweat they shed
But when you tell me to shut my white self up
I hope I can get this through your racist head

Why is it you look at me with hatred?
Why is it you look at me with evil eyes?
I was not the one who beat you!
So why is it me that you despise?

*note* this is not pointed at any African American, but to specifically to one person in my school who always makes racist comments about white people and how we used to beat blacks...this was not intended to offend anyone*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    And what a brilliantly penned piece of powerful poetry...

    But I'm just a fifteen year old girl
    Who wants to be accepted like everyone else
    Who enjoys the company of any person
    Regardless of color, weight, or health

    I loved this stanza how real is that? How honest is that? How powerfully direct and correct is that stanza??
    IRegardless of whether we like to think as a society we have eradicated racism I know your right Chels I know you cop thi kind of grief quite often and I know it upsets you but there is no better way of getting your message heard that a great poem like this! Gees you make your sister proud darling.

    Keep it real girl

    Risa xoxox

  • 17 years ago

    by Bill Turner

    This is very bold. It takes courage to write and post something like this, knowing it could create a backlash. This poem is very well written and flows nicely. Great job Chelsey!

  • 17 years ago

    by K1n9d0m

    So please I ask you nicely and sincerely
    To not compare me to slave owners who were here
    Because times have changed dramatically since then
    I'm not who white people were back in those years

    i must say this line caught my eyes it was powerful like mr rodriguez said nice work but dont let it get you down it was not you that did anything wrong so keep ya head up and i cant wait so whats next peace.... HnH

  • 17 years ago

    by Chris Rodriguez

    Defininately a powerful peace.(please exscuse the spelling) A lot of people think racism just pretains to whites alone, but in fact like you said it is a problem of all races. Ha, that's even a white stereotype, that they are the only ones who discriminate. Nice piece.