Skeptical Memory Of Lost

by LithiumSacrifice   Feb 16, 2007

Skeptical Memory Of Lost

These fragile wings can t fly
Fallen down to the earth
When is it that the angels die
When do people loose the search

In this heart it held
The one place of security
How this world is known as hell
Innocence lost its purity.

So this war begins
Broken out over spilt blood
Over wine the Kings bargain
As soldiers fight over cold mud

How can a single tear drop
Change the world as a whole
One man to make time stop
To protect the heart he stole

These moments we live are all divine
Strongest not seen by simple eyes
Where even a kiss can change a life
Where love can last us when it all dies.

In this world while others weep
People think of only Pride
Yet there is kindness and a light to keep
When all other hopes have died

Lets not burn something so delicate
These pages might be lost
How such a smile can be elegant
How much does each life cost?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    It was very unique... nice use of words as well...
    you really know how to write poems!
    you got the gift...
    especially ur imagination ... its amazing... u should publish them :D

    keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Becky

    This poem is absolutely amazing. It has such a strong message. Wow, just wow I'm not really sure what to say. Just never stop writing you have a lot of talent.

    lots of love

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    ''How much does each life cost?''

    That, my dear, was exquisitely(sp?) written.
    As was this whole poem.
    Every word in this is filled with truth, the imagery used blew me away and that flow is on fire!
    This is frikken excellent!

  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    This was beautiful, it was a rare subject. i loved it. well done hun

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by GreyWolf

    Deep. lots of different aspects in here.. loved it. your a fav.

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