
by Richard Alan   Feb 16, 2007

The power that you have over me,
I still cannot believe,
Captivation when your near,
Devastation when you leave,

Fear is taking hold of me,
When I think of you and I,
Our future is so fragile,
On the brink of knowing Why,

Why is it that no one else,
Gets me like you do?
Why to hell and back again,
Would I happily go through?

Just to fall into your eyes,
And see a joyful tear,
Or gently raise my hand,
To put the hair behind your ear?,

Maybe it's because I know,
How truly pure you are,
Purer than the driven snow,
Or the brightest shining star,

Maybe it's because we know,
Some things are worth the wait,
Though things maybe beyond us now,
We still believe in fate,

Because fate is all that's left,
As an explanation Why,
Why so little time with you,
Still somehow gets me by?

Yet it gets me more than by,
The precious time that we share,
A minute spent with you,
Is like a gift beyond compare,

Every little thought or story,
That you've shared with me,
I feel so privileged I'm the one,
You let inside to see,

The caring and compassion,
That you have within your heart,
I really had no choice,
I was yours right from the start,

Why has been the question,
And yet the answer I already knew,
If I looked the rest of my whole life,
Id never find another you!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    This is so beautiful! I am actually near tears. I can feel all the emotion that you put into this in each stanza I read. You have a few grammar errors that needs fixing, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing. Great job again on pulling me into your work and leaving me wanting more.


  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Captivation when your near,
    `Your = You`re

    Gets me like you do?
    `Work the syllabication [sp?] It just doesn`t sound right when you read it out loud . Maybe "Gets me the way you do?"

    Just to fall into your eyes,
    And see a joyful tear,
    Or gently raise my hand,
    To put the hair behind your ear?,
    `I love that . Shows the deep love, with the cute little things that "innocent" couples do but most people hear no mention of [:

    Though things maybe beyond us now,
    `Seperate the maybe = may be

    Yet it gets me more than by,
    The precious time that we share,
    A minute spent with you,
    Is like a gift beyond compare,
    `That`s so sweet :) Though I don`t like how you used the word 'by' again when it`s already in use right above it, it works .

    I was yours right from the start,
    `Maybe re-state that using different words ? It just seems really ... ehh` compared to the rest of the stanza .

    I suggest using apostrophes, but other than that, beautiful (: