How many

by jason foulger   Feb 16, 2007

How many would care. if i just didn't wake up. if i didn't come to school the next day. how much would the one girl that i loved with all my heart feel once i was gone. what would my friends say about me. how many would care if i shot my self with my gun that i keep under my bed loaded. what would be calens face expression be once i see her on the other side.

Just how many would care....


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  • 17 years ago

    by lost with out you

    I like your writing
    you should look at mine too

  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenBrit

    Good job, It does kinda sound like mine! I would care! Don't ever kill yourself! is there really a loaded gun under your bed? if so don't use it for that, 5/5 its an awsome poem!
    lov ya

  • 18 years ago

    by Summer

    I would so care if u were gone!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Emi

    I wud care cos im ur friend and if d gurl dnt love you,ur gotta move on sweety,u just gotta or do sth bout it anything but harm urself.take care.
    Luv Kate

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