A Locket of Lies

by .K.i.T.t.Y.   Feb 17, 2007

The locket she once held
Close to her heart,
Now slips from its clasp,
And into her palm.

Her neck so bare,
From habit of wearing;
She is able to breathe,
Able to fly.

For so long she struggled,
Trying to breathe,
The locket had restrained her,
Keeping her captive.

Her shaking hands,
Open the locket one final time,
To glimpse at her tormentor,
Who looked so kind.

The smile and eyes,
So warm and gentle,
Love looking promising,
But they were lies.

The picture now faded,
The locket lost luster;
The girl can now breathe,
As she tosses this love away.


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  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    This poem flowed with such ease. i loved it, so easy to read. well done huni
    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Kitty, this was so amazing..I love the imagery & how it's so creative. Just.. so beautiful. I'm speechless. haha.

    Excellent job. Keep it up.


  • 18 years ago

    by Delie

    Wow really nice poem!
    love how the locket symbolizes the past love...:D
    great job

  • 18 years ago

    by kimara4955

    I really enjoyed this poem, u have talent keep it up, 5/5 i liked the way u expressd it by using to key as a locket very powerful. xxtake carexx

  • 18 years ago

    by MelindaJoy

    Wow, deep meaningful. Very nice, I can relate to this, some people have to let go to be able to be themselves and more, very nicly written I enjoyed it and look forward to reading more