Comments : Sensual Beauty

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Very beautiful and eloquent descriptions here.
    Quite different to many love poems on this site, it has a delicate sincerety about it.
    I know capitalisation is sometimes used for effect, though I couldn't quite grasp the purpose of it here. In some places rose was capitalised, and in others, is was not. And there is no clear pattern to it either.
    I'd normally suggest punctuation, but that isn't completely necessary here - it flows nicely. The one thing that did hinder the flow though was the offbeat format of the last couple of lines. It spoilt the ending for me.
    Above all, an enjoyable read, just some issues you could work on.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kalee

    This is a really nice poem. it is sweet and beautiful. 5/5
