Unfaithful Love

by Roxy   Feb 17, 2007

A girl with black smooth delicate hair,
Gothic face and bloody tears to share.
She fell in love with a guy of grace.
He felt her pain, She felt his embrace.

Though deep inside lay mysteries unsaid,
What she didn't know was what he did in bed.
Secretly behind her back he cheated,
The made the girl feel very unneeded.

On a blank piece of paper she wrote,
The true feelings that she never spoke.
'My hearts black;Yours is red,Yours is alive but mine is DEAD!!'
Her blood stains remain on the wall, Her body lay dead in the hall.

The guy felt broken, he admits defeat.
He grabbed the gun and sighed in relief.
'One shot to the head and I'd finally be dead...'
Silence emerged all around the room,
No one in sight, Just the light of the moon.


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  • 13 years ago

    by mane

    2 thumbs up

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Woah...another sad yet very well written poem..tc muahhzz..

  • 17 years ago

    by lost and incomplete

    Lovely poem i can sooo relate nice i like the way you use the words and syllables TO CREATE A FLOWING EFFECT wow sozzles about the caps love you MWHA XxX

  • 17 years ago

    by babyPB

    Very tragic. i love it. :)
    i love the title. i love the word [unfaithful]
    not that long, not that short either,
    but it explains the whole story.


  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    Again a brilliant poem.