After Death

by Eva   Feb 17, 2007

For they will see you standing there
Yet they will know you are no longer
Your existence will have ended physically
Your embrace no longer will be felt

The warmth felt from your body fades
As the scent of you disintegrates
Your clothes consume dust quickly
As they sit there on your bed

Yet there are parts that will live
Live on for more than my existence
Physically you may have died long ago
But spiritually you will forever live

Your intelligence will be remembered
Your legacy will survive through all
Your spirituality will inflict others
And your God will be pleased


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  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Amazing job. You are very talented. Love your work thank you for commenting!

  • 18 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    Another amazingly thought provoking emotive poem, keep them coming