All Alone

by Holly   Feb 17, 2007

There is this one boy who i thought made my dreams come true but one day i realized that he wasn't there for me when i needed him most.
and since he had been the only one in my life i realized i was alone with no one to hold, no one to help me through hard and sad times and as i sat there by myself i said as i am not alone because God will always be with each and everyone of us no matter what though good times and bad so the next time you read this or you think you are all alone and need a friend know that God will always be there with you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by true lover

    Hey holly that was awesome! you are a great writer!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~Amy~

    Hey great job... you have a great point.. God WILL always be there and the truth is nothing can ever complete you the way He does... not a boy, or a job, or anything!!! Keep up the great writing!!!