Does He Love Me?

by Holly   Feb 17, 2007

Why do things happen the way they do?
every morining i wonder if he thinking about me?if
if does he know i am here?know
does he like me?does but the question that gets me most is does he love me?does
and at once, all of these questions and things are running though my head but the one that i am paying most attention to and trying to catch is does he love me?does
i tell him i love him but he doesn't reply back.
i ask him is this to early and he says yes.
i ask him if he likes another girl and he says a little but i like you more than her.
and i cant think of another question, when all i want to ask again is do you love me?do and for him to say yes.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ImmortalKitty

    There is deffinately emotion here. like that other poem i just read by you. Only i would recomend you read it outloud. work on the sound. The sentence structure and flow

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton
