Looking Out

by Angela   Feb 18, 2007

Looking out of a window, pulling the drapes aside,
Snow falling, white feathers.
A man shoveling his driveway.
Children building a snow fort, throwing snowballs.
A teenage couple, holding hands.
A smile.
I know these people.

A yearning to be out there.
Trapped inside.
Running down the stairs, walking to the blue door.
Getting closer, but the door just keeps getting farther away...

Throwing it open.
A beautiful neighbourhood.
A sunny day.
Heat beating down like a campfire.
A man mowing his lawn.
Children having a water gun fight.
A teenage couple holding hands.

Slow steps of thunder.
Dark clouds.
The darkness falls.
Mist like glitter in the air.
Little drops of water.
Pouring rain, clothes cold and wet.

A world of change.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany

    Wow. It's so like Desperate Housewives. Everything is perfect out the outside and in it's place. Then things go all crazy and unleash but in the end that's just like a peaceful inner beauty kind of thing.

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Wow. That was intense. At first it reminded me of one of my poems then it just went out there. good poem