
by Remmi   Feb 18, 2007

The days go by, usually the same,
all the bickering with my best friend,
fighting over who should get him.
It isn't right, letting a guy get in between our friendship,
but I cannot help it,
for my 'guy' side of my heart often gets the best of me.
I shouldn't let it interfere with such a strong bond between friends.
But I like him so much I fear, with all my heart,
that in the end I will be forced to choose, friend or boyfriend.
I need help, I need reassurance that this isn't so. Please help me. Please give me a sign.
I need not pity but a torch to show me the way.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Remmi

    Yes, this is actually happening.

  • 18 years ago

    by Hatori

    Great poem! Is this an actual dilema in your life?? Keep on writing, 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Remmi

    I do? I honestly think it will make you happier to have him than I...I would rather spend my time reading *400 pages down, 400 to go!*. It would just give me trouble and it would bring you happyness. If you aren't going to, then he is just going to be left alone.

  • 18 years ago

    by Isabelle

    I can be your torch! Let me tell you, you can take him, but don't leave all alone. I told you the truth, I want you to have him. Your for you poem, explained everything. You need him more then I do. Lylas forever!