
by MidnightKisses   Feb 18, 2007

Drip, drip.
You look at
your arm, a
bit hard to see
cause you are
crying. You feel
the pain, you've done.
You stash the knife
and hide the new
cuts as you hear
someone coming.
You hold your
arm close as the
stinginess is
slowly fading.
Grab your cell
and call your
love. He answers
and hears you crying.
You tell him, he
is shocked you have
done it again. But
all you hear him say
is " I Love You. I don't
like seeing/imagining
you hurt." You say
" I Love You, Too."
It's good to hear his
voice on the other end
and you know that he
understands. After you hang
up from him. You throw
away your safety pins
and put the knife back
downstairs. You curl up
in a ball and cry yourself to sleep.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    That was soo good!! i loved it...5/5

    and also i was wondering if you could comment my new poem called "My Best Friend" thanks!!!! haha

  • 18 years ago

    by monicaaelyse

    Omg that is sooo good! really touching. shooo amazing

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