I Fear Her

by X Kashies Misery X   Feb 18, 2007

I fear her because she's your girlfriend,
I hate her because I have to pretend,
I need you because I feel your the one,
I believe in us, don't you believe in us Hun?
The way that you talk to me,
We make each other happy, what can't you see?
I know you say you still care for her,
But you make me feel neglected who do you prefer?
I will understand either way,
But I'm lieing to myself everyday,
I don't want you to get in trouble if she finds out,
But you see this happened because that's what true love is about,
I guess sometimes I think it's worth the waiting,
But when I think of her,
I fear her, I am nothing but a blank painting,
I guess I feel the Way that I do,
Because I want to be with you,
I know I love you,
And you love me too,
She doesn't make you happy,
Forget about her,
That's what you should do....

But the way that you choose,
I'll try not to feel bruised,
I love you forever,
And just for now,
I'll dream of us together.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chloe

    This poem is REALLY good. It really reminds me of my ex-boyfriend & I's relationship. Its really hard because I've gone out with him 4 times since freshman year & I've known him since I was twelve & I see him everyday. But theres a catch, his ex-girlfriend is one of my best friends & thats how its been since last year. He's gone between me & her for almost two years.
    lol sorry to spill my life story here but I'm just saying that I understand this poem & I understand where your coming from