I can have an opinion too

by Breanna Schara   Feb 19, 2007

With every lonesome tear-drop that has fallen from my face,
you don't care.
As someone who understands, lately you have not been there.
You contradict my everything;
but emotionally you just cause pain.
You never listen to my testimonies,
Nor all those lonely times that i had nobody to talk to.
i cried out for you, since no one else was there.
but still you just didn't care.
nothing but just a sad brick wall between us,
filled with lonely cold air.
you punish me.
you tell me what i can and can not do.
when i try to talk
all you can do is hear yourself.
you don't even here me,
its like i am not even there.
remove the mirror from your face;
so you can see that there is another person there;
standing patiently in place.
you make every contradiction,
so complicated.
please listen to my opinions and thoughts,
they are not r rated.
lets face it, like a power hungry robot;
you control my every move.
i can not even blink one eye,
if you disapprove.
every time i try to explain
and put my feelings out there;
not for you to bare,
but just so you could listen,
maybe one day- even care.
but no your angry bitter wind,
just blows it all back in my face.
with nothing left,
but an excuse and a complaint.
like a hurricane that wont stop roaring
you never let go of your bitterness.
you continue pouring rain on everything that i care about.
My mila-second happiness parades,
all dreams and hopefulness washed down the drain.
you can never drop any situation.
your stubbornness just keeps marching on.
and always in your mind, your right;
even if deep down inside you know that you are wrong.
you have more power over me,
than i do my own self.
and every time i might think your wonderful,
my opinion can change so soon,
because you drowned me with all of your control.
no, not yet have anything to do.
i cant take it anymore.
yes, i feel like your slave.
cant you see these long lonely metal chains?
you have me tied up,
so i cant run from your long annoying words.
and yet my opinion of this is unspoken;
because i have no chance for you to listen.
i will never be heard,
not even one single word.
in this situation, you talk and i listen.
you will not let me have any thought or say.
no your always right,
lets have it your way.
and even though, i sometimes think i can no longer bare you at times, i still sit there acting like i have nothing left to say.
when really i do.
it builds up more inside,
each and every day.
but you don't care.
i bet the thought has never crossed your mind;
that someone as young as me-
could have a strong intelligent opinion too.
but no you wouldn't care anyways,
you have no clue.
you are like a horse with blinders on.
you can only see one way.
you cant see if someone else is on the other side of you.
yes, i listen to what you have to say.
but i have an opinion too.
so learn it now or never.
you probably think I'm dumb or blindsided.
so please open your eyes.
you will find that i am very clever.
treat me as a person with dignity,
as i do for you.
you will learn, that i can have an opinion too.
yes, other people can have an opinion,
i don't always have yo agree with you.


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