Another Chance

by ben thompson   Feb 19, 2007

My throbbing head pounds, details all blurry.
Body racked by pain, hit a tree in my hurry.

My last memories were at the bar drinking.
Must've got behind the wheel, what was I thinking.

Copious amounts of blood pour down my cheek.
I must try to find some help before I'm too weak.

Just as I lost hope, and had begun to think I was gone.
Up comes a paramedic humming a beautiful song.

His tone reassuring, his demeanor so calm.
Immediately I felt better, like I was safe all along.

From there I went out and the next thing I knew.
The medic was gone, I awoke in a room.

The doctor said " you'll make it but your injuries are severe".
I said " thank God that medic got me over here".

The doctor frowned, "I found you out front collapsed with no coat".
There was no paramedic, he must've been a ghost.

Weeks later, confused but feeling much better.
I arrived at my house to find a odd letter.

When I opened it there was only one single line.
Miracles do happen, it wasn't your time.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Callalilly

    WoW! This poem is amazing! I really felt something while reading it. I wish I could write as beautifully as you do!

  • 18 years ago

    by Alvaro

    DUDE how the hell do u come up with this haha bro this is 5/5 man i would give it 100 man i loved it man. damn u going down on my favorite haha crazy poem dude

  • 18 years ago

    by Amber Dawn

    Very good.The rhythm was really great. keep up the good work 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Romantic Lover

    That was a great poem.
    Nice job.

  • 18 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    That was so beatiful
    and happens in everday life
    thats why you are one of my fav's ;)

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