I tell others that i don't love you
I even convince myself of this lie
But for some reason you own my heart
I just cant seem to understand why
Maybe if keep telling myself this
Then maybe one day it will come true
That ill wake up one sunny morning
And suddenly i won't love you
I know deep down the truth be told
That my feelings for you will always be there
I cant just stop loving you
I don't have the choice whether or not i care
You may have broken my heart and my world
But my soul came through still intact
And while i have a soul to feel betrayal
I'll never be able to turn my back
You'll never learn from the mistakes you made
Rather i was the one who learnt
You were the one who came through unbruised
I was the one who got harshly burnt
But now the time has come to finally go our ways
Ill say goodbye but with no good
Because turning m back will never feel quite right
I'm just doing what i think i should