Let me feel it

by pilar ann   Feb 19, 2007

There is this feeling Ive so longed to feel
I just wanted to know if it is for real
Does it really exist? or is true?
Or is it just some lie that could make you blue?

Can somebody, oh somebody, please give it to me?
I'd give up anything, even my life just to let it be
I may be crazy or seem stupid to you
But hell, if you were in my position, what would you do?

I wish to feel love, let it run through my veins
I want to feel it, the feeling i never felt before
You don't know how much want to have it
Will you be the one, the one to let me feel it?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chris Rodriguez

    People spend a life time trying to find, not their place but that something that makes them feel like they don't have search anymore in life. Some people will never find what they've been looking for, but if you ask me it's better that way, because who wants to be so content in their life that they want to stop searching? exploring to as far as their feet and abilities can take them. Never be content or just fine with the way your life is now, or expect to find true love or place, not now, especially someone as young as you. As you can tell I liked your poem, I like all poems that make me think. Thank you for sharing yourself. Keep writing.