
by Cindy   Feb 19, 2007

Sitting alone again this night
Not another person is around
Feeling silence overtaking me
Not hearing a single sound

Loneliness seeps into my heart
Tears running down my face
Needing someone with me tonight
Comfort of knowing I am safe

When I'm all by myself
Thoughts in my mind race
Thinking of times with you
Trying to find a happy place

The quite really pains me
When nothing is what I hear
Needing the sound of your voice
Being alone my biggest fear

Trying to get through the night
Just knowing nobody is there
Waiting on the sun to rise
I hate feeling this despair

Written By: Cynthia Graver Feb 19, 2007



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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    As well written as the poem is, it left a rather unpleasant lump in my throat, so thank you very much for that!
    Loneliness is a horrible thing but sometimes those who suffer don't realise that there are still an awful lot of people who love them and are there for them....
    Take care Cindy and stay well,

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    "Loneliness seeps into my heart
    Tears running down my face
    Needing someone with me tonight
    Comfort of knowing I am safe"


    "Being alone my biggest fear"..

    ^^it reminds me of my childhood when I was afraid to be alone at night... now I am afraid of being Alone... so much emotion is filled in those lines..

    "Trying to get through the night
    Just knowing nobody is there
    Waiting on the sun to rise
    I hate feeling this despair"

    ^^beautiful composition....

    excellent work..

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    "The quite really pains me
    When nothing is what I hear
    Needing the sound of your voice
    Being alone my biggest fear"

    the fear of being alone will do that to you...its a terrible feeling i know all too well..that stanza blows it away..i love it...just the sound of a voice can make everything ok..its so true..amazing work

  • 18 years ago

    by Lost & Delirious

    This poem is so well written. I really enjoyed reading it, specially because I've been alone, and I've felt like that. Like I don't want to be alone because some of my thoughts are scary and desperate.

    Good job! =) 5/5

    Keep writing.


  • 18 years ago

    by Cathy

    Very sad but beautiful poem!