Comments : I Left

  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa

    I have missed your poetry so much! I absolutely adore your style. It's very raw, in your face, powerful, and creative. I could go on forever about your words. I loved everything about this poem. Especially the random quality it held while remaining inside the grounds of your objective. Great ending!

  • 17 years ago

    by Laura

    Tim...this is my power i am no expert so these are only my opinions and suggestions!

    1st stanza:
    maybe add something to these lines:

    Can't quite remember which
    Throwing take-out containers

    I feel as if they may need a few more syllables to flow easier (this could just be me and the way i read it)

    stanza 2:
    first i think you meant sweated not swaet ed...
    maybe change the way the stanzas read by moving some words around on the different lines...

    Dreaming of clean sheets on Dirty beds
    where existence is sweated out
    Through pores of remorse
    for thelast line i feel like you could use a description word before remorse...posibly it would read...
    Through pores of anguished remorse

    3rd & 4th stanzas:
    same as 2nd maybe try realigning the words to read smoother...(now i don't write in this style so maybe that is how it is supposed to be and i just feel like it interupts the flow becuz i am uneducated about this style...)
    the ending was strong and i wouldn't touch a thing...give is that extra punch!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Cuddles

    First of Tim, I must tell you that I think this is amazing. The title is perfect because you have no idea what to expect from this poem, and then you read it, and it's like...whoa. I could be wrong, but I think that the whole poem is about regrets-the choices you made in your life that if you take back you would. I think it's about running away from your mistakes rather than facing them, hoping that driving along the road-possibly symbolic for the road of life-you'll find yourself or answers to the questions that you created by leaving.

  • 17 years ago

    by Melissa

    *High Five*

    Definately one of my faves! ;o)