A Weenie on a stick

by sandra young   Feb 20, 2007

A tiny teeny little weenie
no bigger then my thumb,
was sitting on a serving plate
with a toothpick through its bum

Now you ask, how could that be
since weenies don't have bums,
but when your only 4 years old
your mind pretends there's one

now on the other end I saw,
this weenie had a mouth
his lips were puckered like a fish
with a toothpick facing south

someone picked that weenie up
and chewed it off that pick
yuck I thought, you ate his bum
I think you might get sick

I should save those little guys
and keep them from being chewed
I'll hide them underneath my bed
with the tomato that's been stewed

tomorrow I will bring new friends
a plum or prune should do
maybe even a carrot stick
or a nut like a cashew

my dust bunnies will be there too
they'll all become best friends
I'll keep them safe under my bed
especially on weekends

see, mom does her chores those days
the weekends are a threat
and if she finds them under my bed
she would really get upset

I'll have to find a new hiding place
for all my new found friends
or until they all turn fuzzy green
I'll just start over again


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  • 18 years ago

    by Nahibi Maldonado

    Aww... excellent poem, I guess those are the thoughts that run through kid's heads, no?!