The Real Me [To a friend...]

by x.Athame.x   Feb 20, 2007

You talked to me everyday
And told me you understood
I thought you actually did
But I realize you never could

You seemed to know me
All my emotions and thoughts
We would always get through
Even though we fought

I believed you and your lies
I thought perhaps it was true
But the only reason I did
Was I wanted to be with you

I wanted you beside me
Every step along the way
But what is the good in that
If you never know what to say

You lied to me for all this time
But now I finally do see
That you never even knew
The truth or the real me

(C) Athame '07


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  • 17 years ago

    by Chloe

    This is really good! it really reminds me of my friend.....of whom i wrote my poem about!
    i give it a 5. Good Work!