
by Truest Lies   Feb 20, 2007

It's so evident
Crystal clear like champagne
I hope that it maintains
Its lyrical sparkle.
It dulls the brain
As though it were in reality
I can't think or pretend
That I am not affected.

Melodic and gothic
I can't help but drape my eyes
With a cover of thick black
So that it doesn't run away
When the tears chase the makeup.

In the end it is such
As I said it would be.
You poured a flute of alcohol
And I spat it in your face
Now you offer me no liquid
And I understand your distaste.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lyn

    I think I just understood the significance of the second verse as I read it a couple more times.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lyn

    I would appreciate it if you could comment my poetry

  • 17 years ago

    by Lyn

    This is a well written poem but so mysterious and unknowing. The middle verse seems unrelated to the other two verses. I love the final verse which seems to have its own voice.