
by We Miss You Shannon   Feb 20, 2007

Why keep collin him when he don't answer?
Why tell him you miss him when in reality you try to live life without him?
Why bother trying to brake him and her up when it's imposible?
Why talk about him to your friends, when they know he hurt you?
Why sit and cry over him when he knows he is the one who caused it....
Cause in the end.. YOU NO YOU STILL LOVE HIM!

Love... Teri Rose!


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  • 18 years ago

    by JRG

    Hey i liked this poem its funny cos i have been through that u like some1 even thoe they disrespect u time and time again u still just care for em 4/5 good work btw thanks for the comment was awsome :D and to kaila not all guys are jerks im only a jerk if u piss me off? lolz jk

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    This made alotta sence!! boys are jerks right!? i wish it was longer though but 4/5