He's G.O.N.E!

by We Miss You Shannon   Feb 20, 2007

When you see his truck you can't help but feel the butterflies
When you hear his voice, you can't help but smile
When you hear his name, you can't help but ask how him and her are doing
And when you get that phone call from him.. and you think you'v ran through his mind
You start crying not becuz he was an ass
Beacause he's a D.A.D.D.Y!!

Love... Teri Rose!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Whit

    Omgosh! I can't stand seein my ex's with other girls, it kills me! And especially when you find out that they will have to spend their life together with them.


  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    It was alright I think you could throw a little more emotion into it but it was good ill give it a 4

  • 18 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    Aww i liked the beging i really did, the end was a bit oppisite of what i thought it was going to end up 5/5 always n dont be a stranger