
by disturbed one   Feb 20, 2007

Ok here a poem not from a contest!

I had to post this in slang cuz it wont let me post in friendship,family so...ya

Watch the form of the stanzas i used a few different schemes it represents the rocky parts of friendships how its kinda back and forth


Friendship is oh,
Such a fragile thing,
Like a baby boy,
On a grownup swing,

Feelings are at stake,
You must try not to break,
But at the end of the day,
Can you at all say,

I love my friends,
I will be with them,
Until the very end,
Of all eternal time,

Every friendship has up and downs,
A bunch of smiles and frowns,
But at the end of the day,
Can you at all say,

Through all of the lies,
The sad goodbyes,
The things we hide,
The times weve cried,
Weve been the very best of friends,
Though times has passed,
The memories last

Ok umm the last 7 lines was a quote by Ryeann so if u wanna check her out go ahead...i know its not the best but i wanted to do a non-contest poem for ya...

Again, credit goes to Ryeann for the last 7 lines and i have permission from her to use it


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  • 17 years ago

    by alysia

    Jessie i (L) u

  • 18 years ago

    by disturbed one


  • 18 years ago

    by disturbed one


  • 18 years ago

    by Jessie

    Aww yay you posted a non-contest one!! :D It's rlly good I loooove it! wasn't all yours. Make another one that is ALL yours :)