The Wedding Tape

by Krissey   Feb 21, 2007

She looked stunning in white, and he in black
They were both so happy on that day
Two people brought together at long last
They were both so in love in every single way

I watched at how they kissed each other
In awe of how they used to be touched
Things have changed since that wedding day
Now they aren't in love very much

It's always the same, they've got a routine
Dad yells at Mom, and makes her cry
She goes to the kids and complains
Where did their holy union go awry?

Moms stressed with work, gained some weight
No longer looking like that gorgeous bride
What happened to the promises that were made?
What happened to always being by each others side?

Dad has no more time for his family
Work takes up his entire day
His children sit up at night, waiting
Wondering why Daddy isn't home to play

As I sit and watch their wedding tape
I can't help but to start to cry
They danced and hugged like they were so happy
How and when did their love run dry?

When I cry myself to sleep at night
I always pray to God and ask him why
Why he has to put my family through this
What's the life lesson I must learn to apply?

When and why did this argueing start?
Look at how perfect things use to be
I wish I was there to embrace in the smiles
Now its a different site that I see

But I know I'll make it through this
I know I can't lose with God on my side
It feels like I've gone to hell and back
But I know one day my tears will be dried

Whether my parents end up divorced
Or back at the altar to renew their vows
My Lord has always been strong for me
I'll make it through this with him somehow


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Rach

    Such a beautiful yet sad poem. you did a great job getting your feelings out. look forward to reading more of our work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    A sad but very well written poem. It's a very touching piece of writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tasha

    5/5 I love most about this poem is that you put down in words what so many people go through. Good job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is so sad. I hope they find their love again. Very well written. Take Care Cindy