Only 5 Foot Tall

by X Kashies Misery X   Feb 22, 2007

There was once a boy,
Only 5 foot tall,
He was pretty short and had no one to adore,
As no girls liked him,
So he thought he should ask out someone,
He asked a girl if she would be his number one,
The girl felt sorry for him so she called a girl up for him then gave him something he signed,
He went out one night,
He ran in and the mystery girl wasn't in sight,
He was wondering if they went for he was a little late,
Then he looked around and found his blind date,
She was beautiful he thought it must have been fait,
So now you seem them here and there,
Now the people all still stare,
I saw them in the mall,
Both of them only 5 foot tall.


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Latest Comments

  • Awe that was so cute lol how they found each other. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Catherine

    Lol, I like that. I'm 5 four, but my best friend nearly a crush is about that hight. *crosses fingers* lol