Crimson Tears

by rooster   Feb 22, 2007

He sits in a dark room
Feeling all alone
As his thoughts of death and pain
Chill him to the bone

He runs the blade across his wrist
He runs it down his arm
They say the devil makes him
Cause himself this harm

Blood wells up in the wound
Knowing it's not right
But swearing there will be many more
Before he's done tonight

The steel bites deep the cuts run long
The blood and water flowed
For all his pain and suffering
Scars are all he showed

His friends have all abandoned him
His parents say he's to blame
And so he cuts again
As he hangs his head in shame

His love is in the hospital
But he blames himself
As he hangs his heart
High upon the shelf

As life runs down his body
And the red blood drips
And leaves dark stains
Upon his fingertips

He feeds the razor again
It feasts upon his flesh
as he remembers the fight they had
And the wounds are fresh

As the cuts bleed
And drain away his life
He knows he wont survive this night
Or make his love his wife

He puts the razor down
Staring straight at death
He lays down on his bed
And breathes his last breath

Crimson tears fall from his hands
Dropping to the floor
As his father bursts in his bedroom
Rushing through the door

He starts to yell he starts to scream
But realizes with dread
That the boy he raised for twelve years
His oldest son was dead

He cradles his sons head
Facing his worst fears
He hangs his head and cries
Like he hasn't done in years

He sees the cuts on his son
And doesn't know what to say
But he finally figures out
His son was not okay

He realizes the pain
His son has held inside
And now understands why
His son would run and hide

He sees the fights they had
Would tear his son apart
And that sadness and darkness
Had completely filled his heart

He looked in the mirror
Wondering how life could be so mean
To drive his son to suicide
At the age of seventeen


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Akasha

    It is a great poem i really like it

  • 18 years ago

    by Shamar

    That is soo wicked and dark...I love it. Great job!!