
by Yesenia   Feb 22, 2007

You could not imagine
the pain you put me threw
every single day

i want to tell so badly
how i feel but I'm scared
and afraid that you wont
feel the same

i love you to much to let you
go Ive tried so many times
to forget about you but every
time i fail

i dont what to feel this pain
anymore cant you see
this love for you is tearing me apart

sometimes i get so tired
of waiting for you to figure it
out i just want to scream in
your face"i love you!" but
when i open my mouth
to speak nothing comes out

when i think of how close
we used to be and how
now we are so far apart
it brings tears to my eyes

I guess ill never be able
to let you go as hard as
i try sometimes i think
that the reason i cant
let you go is b/c we're
meant for each other

but them i laugh
b/c I'm so foolish
to believe that you
will love me...


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  • 18 years ago

    by lost in lovee

    I liked it i know da feeling! 5/5