AN Angels Touch.

by Lisa   Feb 22, 2007

At night you sometimes lie awake,
I've even heard you cry,
I've heard you ask the lord above,
Why did my daughter die?

Why did you take my angel?
My shining, guiding star,
You've took her to another place,
Somewhere so very far.

Mum, I know your hurting,
Right now you feel alone,
I know that I'm in heaven,
But I still visit home.

At night I've watched you sleeping,
I've gently touched your hair,
Even kissed you on the head,
To let you know I'm there.

And when you say "goodnight god bless",
I whisper then to you,
"Goodnight, I love you mummy,
I'm watching over you".

I'll always be your angel,
Who'll never be to far,
I promise I'll take care of you,
Your shining, guiding star.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    Beautiful poem. I love to think that when we pass we are able to look over the loved ones we leave behind. Such a sad subject that you made into something soft and gentle.
    Lovely flow to this poem, keep your attention the whole way through.

    Great work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww this poem is so sweet, it is so caring and gentle. well done i really like it xxxx hope you are well and take good care xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Sad and beautiful. I like how the little angel is talking to the mum. Nice job!

  • 18 years ago

    by debbylyn

    This is very beautifully written....nice imagery and message. The flow is flawless as is the rhyme....all in all an awesome poem! 5/5 Debbie