
by this is only the beggining   Feb 22, 2007

Why do I do this
I know that it's wrong
I'm sorry about this
But my life's been to long

I think thats it's true
That I'm Gods only mistake
I don't understand why
I never catch a brake

How could it be
That one person is so wrong
Live my life for a day
Then tell me to be strong

It's not easy for me to do this
Nobody wants to be me
Thats why I can't keep friends
They see the scars and flee

So I won't be a burden
To the world anymore
I must do this right
To put a stop to this war

So when i pick up the knife
It'll be the last time
I don't deserve to be here
Me living is a crime

(if you read this please let me know what you think thanks)


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  • This is really good...

    wow.. hunnie, we thank alike.


  • 18 years ago

    by amber

    Wow... its really good...

    it kind of shows your inner heart and makes me feel what your feeling... and wonder why your feeling tht way... I think with poetry tht is really important...

    if you could cmnt and rate my poem.. what goes up must come down... id really appreciate it

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