One Last Rose

by Colby   Feb 22, 2007

Sometimes when you
look at someone and you get this feeling
the feeling that makes you happy
thinking its your heart their stealing,

I found that person
looking into her eyes
I find nothing but love
as she frees the butterflies,

I told her there would be no one else
as I took her hand I knew
she would be with me forever
and our love only grew,

I gave her 12 roses
and one being fake
it made people wonder as I told them
my love for her would never take a break,

The one rose
resembled my love
for though it would never die
and neither would my sweet love,

Wondering if it was lost
would it find its way back home
the truth be told it would
because love can never just roam,

I told her
till the last rose dies
my heart will be yours
looking into her pretty blue eyes,

Even if the worst were to happen
and she would say good bye
I would have the rose in my hand
and it would never die.


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  • 18 years ago

    by I Miss Him

    This was good yet very sad, i think once you work on the rhyming,it will turn out great...5/5