The worst way to miss somebody.

by Isabelle   Feb 23, 2007

My heart trembles,
my body shakes,
and if you'd seen me,
you would have watched me cry.

Just knowing you are here,
causes pain deep within me,
pain I can not explain.

The worst way to miss somebody,
is to hold them close at night,
wishing yet knowing,
they will never love you back.

Seasons could pass by,
before you realize,
that your gone.

Sure, your body's here,
your walking and talking,
but your eyes say so much different.

Your eyes may tell you,
that you're dead,
your being has disappeared,
that your soul has ran into the night,
and left you all alone.

All alone, I whisper in the night,
wishing you were next to me on this night.

You wish the same for me,
but it can't come true.

The worst way to miss somebody,
is to be sitting next to them,
wishing yet knowing,
you can never have them.

It's just a forever growing fantasy,
in this world of confusion.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Boy

    The worst way to miss somebody,
    is to hold them close at night,
    wishing yet knowing,
    they will never love you back.

    mu best stanza in this poem takecare 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by lala

    *cries* that's a great peom, I'm adding it to my favs <3

  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    I nearly cried in this poem.. this actually happened to me.. anyway.. a great POEM! indead! well penned! like jenna davies said "The title grabbed me in" :) good job Isabelle! TC

  • 18 years ago

    by Elizabetta

    I'm sorry, I meant Isabelle. I didn't mean to spell your name wrong!

  • 18 years ago

    by Elizabetta

    It's really sad, but I liked it a lot! Way to go, Isabella!