I already forgiven them inside.. :)

by NikX   Feb 23, 2007

I hate the way they laugh
about the things i often lack
i hate the way they talk about
my interests and whereabouts

what do they want to know?
about may life that's f ucking low
why the hell do they even care?
about the persons i want to stare

when will they get their own life?
so they can get out of my sight
my anger wants to burst
and i want them to know first

as I'm writing this poem
a paper was placed on my chair
words written by a pair
of the thoughts they want to share

as i read the poem
all i saw was the word "SORRY"
my heart melted
it erased all my worries

their poem made me smile
because there wasn't a single lie
i already forgiven them inside
i just didn't show it right

I'm touched by the poem they made
it's something worth to be paid
i just laughed by the way i acted
and how my anger easily started..


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  • 18 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    Beatifully written, nice texture, and the depth was perfect. i was really in to the poem

  • 18 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    Beatifully written, nice texture, and the depth was perfect. i was really in to the poem