by *Lost Soul*   Feb 23, 2007

By:*Lost Soul*

All i ever wanted was for you to love me,
half as much as I loved you
you never did...

I needed your support, through the hardest
parts of my my painful life,
I never got it...

I only asked for your approval of me,
So that i could feel accepted
but ended rejected...

Every night I prayed that you'd turn around,
and see your mistakes,
you only made more...

I dreamed that one day you'd pick me up and hug me, tell me that you loved me
I still stand with empty arms...

I wished that for once in your life,
you'd stop and listen to me
and what i had to say...

Then one day i woke up and realized that,
My dreams were just that...dreams,
and my wishes...would never come true


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  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    Lov is sad. i like how the ending put everything together. good job:)