Lonely but never alone...

by 1angryBrokenHeart   Feb 23, 2007

So far away from all the ones you love

It was hard to say goodbye

Those certain people have your heart and that is something you can't deny.

Thousands of miles away

No seeing them today

You won't be able to see their smile

They won't be there to hold you when you're down or in denial.

It seems as time moves oh so slowly

Becuase you are stuck so deep in the past

That everyday feels like forever

And forever may never pass.

But I will tell you now a secret

One that just might ease the pain

When it feels like everything is going wrong

And you are standing in Hell's rain.

You may feel lonely my friend

But you are truly never alone

For all of the ones who love you

Are with you no matter where you may go.

You could be an eternity away

But they will always be in your soul

Whenever you start to lose focus

Look to your heart for friends of gold.

There are not many people out there

Who would like to lend out a helping hand

Most people would rather see you fall

Than to help another stand.

So lean on the one's who hold you dear

No matter where you are

You may feel lonely but you are never alone

You always have your friends locked in your heart....


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  • 17 years ago

    by callmecrazy

    That almost brought tears to my eyes.
    all my family and my boyfriend are in europe and i only see them in the summer time.. all i can say it wow..
    i really loved readin it

  • 18 years ago

    by PoeticJustice

    Wow, that last part left me speechless.
    i love thies lines:

    Most people would rather see you fall
    Than to help another stand.

    very good write. 5/5