Comments : Gone

  • 18 years ago

    by mazie

    Awww im so sorry bout ur mum i cant c how ne1 cood leave dere child a just fnd out im pregant n i coodnt fink bout eva leavin or gettin rid. ur mum dnt no how lucky she is 2 ave u n neva 4get it n by da snds of it u got alot of talent so keep up wid da fings u love coz dats wats gonna get u thro life. neway i reli liked it it was full of true emotion. keep it up n well done
    p.s thank you so much 4 da comment on my poem i worked reli hard on it.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jas

    I really like this, you can feel the emotions as u read it i give it a 5/5 am sorry about ur mom though dont worry things just make us stronger and more understanding.keep up the good work

  • 17 years ago

    by lonelynow

    I do consider it a poem, and a good one. I like how you used the word gone only a few times, making it give a sense of rhythm to the poem.