Fairy tale

by Mimi   Feb 24, 2007

As I was slowly fading away
Disappearing in the midst of day,
My suffering went with just a glance;
He put me in a blissful trance.
It seemed that the whole world had slowed.
The curtain of love parted and glowed.
A candle nearby burned with passion.
He held me in a caring fashion.
i melted, there, in his big strong arms.
He had me with his flirtatious charms,
then swept me into a fairy tale,
walked me down a golden brick trail.
Flew me up to Never Never Land,
and into the sunset hand in hand.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    This poems really cute, I loved how its a fairytale really capturing i think you did a pretty good job with this maybe it could of been a lil longer but other then that well done ~mel

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Awww. that's so cute. nicely done. I usually dont read love poems.. but man, this one rocked the hizzz-ouse. xD