Comments : The scars

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Poem is really sad i never under
    stood that cutting thing why do you do it what do you get from it.
    ur addict can get better too if he
    wants to for him he cvan't quit for any other reason. n/a meetings work if you work them, stay away from people
    places and things that had to do with drugs. thats my problem im always
    around drugs its hard not to see it in a city like philadelphila. bordom is # 1
    thing that gets you high.
    please get this and please don't be
    like my wife. listen to me drugs and you have nothing to do with each other
    he needs you cause he loves you
    he loves drugs cause he needs it

  • 18 years ago

    by alyssa

    That was a really good poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Crying_Angel

    I don't do drugs...anymore... use to be an addict at 15. Saw the light and came right... Now I'm studying to be a doctor. Ironic isn't it. I was killing myself and now I'm studying to save lifes. I guess we all have a purpose in life. And I express some of my feelings in my poems. I express the ways in ways I could of ended up if I didnt see the light... Check out a new poem I wrote just now Drop of Death and lemme know what you think... Hope everything works out for you.

    This poem is deep. Can see you write from personal experience. I truly hope you find your answer in life. Good luck!


  • 18 years ago

    by teryn

    That was really good. short, but good. i have cut before, i just wrote in there that i haven't because im ashamed of what i did. i did it for like a year, and then a friend helped me stop. thank goodness. some of my cuts were pretty deep and needed medical help, but i refused. :] friends are always a good thing.