Kiss of Life

by sugarfacex   Feb 24, 2007

I see your blood written in the wind,
I feel your pain scratched in my mind,
I watch your sorrowful rushing tears,
I gaze at deadly sinned fears.

I step into the dark forbidding light,
To conquer this last blood-lusting fight,
But I suddenly hear your screeching call,
And something pushes me to a deathly silent fall.

Falling deeper and deeper until my senses fail,
My soul becomes weak numb and frail,
You sink to the floor in desperate pain,
What is it that you are trying to gain?

Girl, you have become so agitated and insecure,
Even more so then before,
You look so dead, colorless and pale,
Like a dead corpse gone stale.

Your watery eyes look razor sharp,
Sending unearthly daggers through my heart,
Is this cold love through bitter pain?
Or is it my broken soul being torn once again?

My delicate love for you is purer than water,
Like the cherished love a mother has for her newborn daughter,
My empty shallow soul does not lie,
But this determines whether I shall die!

I feel the warmth of your blood pumping through my veins,
I see from afar the red blood stains,
Is this what is stopping me from going relevantly insane?
Or just that I feel your intense burning pain?

I stare at the life long scars on your wrist,
Whilst you daze off into your blinding mist,
Forgivable yet unforgettable,
Is this torment really bearable?

I love you for who you are not who your not,
You are the special one which I hunted down and got,
You are the only one that sees my tortured broken soul,
You are the only one that fixes me as if I wad a broken desolated china doll.

Your voice silently penetrates my unornormallye skin,
Sharp, deadly and painful like a pin,
But you give me the love I never once had,
And not once have you made me feel depressed or sad.

Your shimmering brown whispering hair,
Your dark hypnotizing glazed eyes make me stare,
Your shiny rose pink lips,
Your beautiful welcoming smile makes my stomach flip.

When I feel my pulse racing and fast beating,
I know once again our hearts are meeting,
I see you drop the jagged knife,
And turn and gently give me the hopeful kiss of life,
Now Im no longer facing deviant death!


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by sugarfacex

    Thanks hunni ttyl lv u xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Jezzika

    Hey girl keep up the great work! I loved this one, It was long but that just made me more and more interested... I loved reading ever letter. TTYL...

    Love ya!
