Me and the man

by Lucifers lair   Feb 25, 2007

Me and the man
Have a strange competition
No stranger than the competition,
between two neighborhood cats.
They scratch and the claw,
fighting over the same piece of meat.
They argue and they fight,
until one admits defeat.
But me and the man
Never give up

I stare to the stars
waiting for the chance,
for when the sky opens up
I shall enter and praise
But the man enters first
And steals the glance
Of the red rose
Taking her from her bush
The garden composed
Of her happiness and beauty
She leaves it all
For he is the poison
That uproots the rose
and steals her away.

Me and the man
Cry for this sorrow
The child has suffered
And dealt with tomorrow
The child had cried to the night
I listen to her call
But when I open the door
The man runs in
and takes the child
from this god deadly sin
For the child
smiles in glee.
For the man has taken her
Wiped her tears
And soothed her sorrow

For when all has gotten its happiness
The man has done well
Setting the bird free to the sky
But the bird must go back
And be once again trapped in its cage
For the bird once again lives in sorrow
But now! I get my chance!
I shall for once set the bird free!
I shall win this game
Me and the man
Has finally ended
I open the cage
And set the bird free
But all is wrong as the bird wishes
To be back with
The man's sky
For I look down at the bird
Flying through my sky
With broken wings
But noone can go on with broken wings
So I fix it. (2/25/07)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann many times do I have to tell you? I already said it in person. This poem is so beautiful...your words are amazing and especially the indepth meaning of it all! Woohooo! you go girlie!!!