Lying without you

by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm   Feb 25, 2007

Thoughts thread through my mind,
Emotions rupture inside,
When you leave me alone,
My mind and heart collide.

I try to believe in you,
Believe the words you say,
But if you love me so much,
Then why can't you just stay?

If you really love me,
Why aren't you here?
If you really don't want her,
Then why are you there?

I don't want you to know,
Just how much this hurts,
But when you're lying next to her,
My mind immediately converts.

I think that you don't love me,
And I think you don't care,
I think if you really want me,
That I'd be the one who was there.

Instead, she's the one beside you,
She's lying in your bed,
She's sleeping on the pillow,
That was once beneath my head,

She's got her ear to your chest,
She's listening to your heart,
She's holding my whole world,
She's tearing it apart.

Tears sting my blood red wrist,
I have nothing better to do,
When you're lying there with her,
And I'm lying without you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dark Rose

    Wow...this is such a great poem!! I absolutely LOVE it!! It's sad but true...You talk alot about cutting...I hope that's just in words and not in action...5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Awwww. your work is some of the best on this sight. i need to make sure your in my favorites!

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Wow i know what it feels like and I know it hurts like hell im so sry great poem!!

  • 18 years ago

    by IllAlwaysLuvHer

    Thats a really touching poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by LockedInEternity

    Absolutly LOVED the last stanza..i was amazing..i liked it better than any stanza in the whole poem...i think there was a small part that threw me off cause it was also used in the poem i read b4, but all else was the percet blend of words, thoughts and emotions...AWESOME JOB 5/5 again:)