Simply Amazing.

by Krzysztof J   Feb 25, 2007

I don't know how to tell you
So I'm going to write it down
And try to get the words out
About this happiness I've found.

They always say life isn't fair
And I've found out that it's true
Cos if life had any conscience
It wouldn't be picking on you.

You shouldn't have to go through this
You don't deserve this pain
You've already been through it once
You shouldn't have to again.

Your smile is the sunshine
That breaks thru the rain
Your love is like a torrent
That washes away any pain.

The truth is your amazing.
An angel form the sky.
The kindest, caring soul I know.
That god has made thus far.

You're more then special
More then just good enough
More heaven then a heart could hold
You were it from the start.

Do not ever doubt yourself
For one day you will see
That god he really broke the mold
When he created thee.

Through so much hurt
The arguments and pain
I've always stayed by your side
Through sunshine and rain.

You'll always be my angel
The one I'll always adore
Even the annoying traits you have
Just make me love you more

Your fingerprints are imprinted
Forever across my heart
You put the pieces back together
After they were torn apart

I love you more than life itself
That’s exactly how it seems
Your forever in my heart
And forever in my dreams

I've finally learned to love myself
Cos of the love you've given me
And no one loves you like I do
That I can guarantee

*thank you Gemma for some inspiration, and thank you to my broken heart for writing this, i wish i didn't(*


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    Hey another touching piece. veryheartfelt lot of emtion once again, good wording. keep it up. i really like reading ur poems xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Olivia

    GREAT poem. :D
    And thanks for the comment.
    And yeah, spell check is retarded.
    I do appreciate your comments because I hardly get any! And i am trying to figure out if i am good enough to enter a contest my sister told me about. :/ but idk...

  • 17 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    A very good poem. Gemma is great for inspiration. She's on my thank you for all of your comments! Your fifth and sixth stanzas didn't follow the same rhyme scheme as the rest, so I would change that, but otherwise it's a nice piece and my fav style of poetry!

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    Lol, i think a recognise a few of those stanza's..
    Nicely put together though

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Chellsea's leaving!!! She's moving to Ohio. This is the worst day ever. I hate life.

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