The rose

by silence kills   Feb 25, 2007

You think every thing's alright
You think every thing's okay
Then suddenly one day
It all starts to fade away

You no longer smile
Or laugh, or run, or dance
You just stare deeply into space
Like you're in some sort of trance

You lose all sight of reality
Trapped inside your guilt
You sit and watch the rose
As it slowly dies and wilts

The rose that he gave you
And said would never die
For it symbolized your love
That would always be alive

Now you're holding it so close
Up against your chest
The colors dull and faded
The beauty now repressed

The petals fall to the floor
Where they sit and gather dust
So helpless and so broken
It almost seems unjust

The rose symbolized your love
That died and fades away
Forgotten and discarded
Left there to decay

The torn petals represent
The pieces of your heart
The ones that won't return
For they have ripped apart

The thorns that prick your hand
Show the pain you feel inside
That's slowly taking over
While your happiness divides

The dull color of the rose
Represents your fading soul
Once bright and peaceful
It now contains a gaping hole

The sweet scent of the flower
Describes the mask that you display
It covers up the sadness
Though underneath it's turning Grey

The entire rose itself
Our love it represents
So dead and forgotten
It now only descents

How can something so pure
Become so tainted and worn
The memories still linger
From a love that's now so torn


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  • 17 years ago

    by MyEscape

    I love this comparison of love to a rose, but in the sense that the rose fades away and wilts.

    The sweet scent of the flower
    Describes the mask that you display

    That was a good comparison as were many of the others! :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Tara

    Wow thats an amazing poem. i really understand it, and it flows together so nicely. i can just see the rose now.. really great 5/5 :]

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Interesting metaphor of a rose. Thanks for sharing.