
by Jessie   Feb 25, 2007

I want to love with all my heart
But I know I never will
I know that I'm incapable
Knowing this, it kills.

So many things that I could learn
I know it won't be me
I, the one who wants to help
Will surely never see.

Will I be the only one
Who watches those who smile
Watching what I cannot have
Is living all worth while?

I know that I won't choose to die
Selfishness is not my way
I'll live as if there's nothing wrong
And just play it day by day.

Because love is not the only thing
That keeps a human going
Yet somehow I wish I had that too
But i wont let it begin showing.

And I wish to be a stronger girl
I won't lower myself to greed
Love is something that luck will bring
It's not something that I need.

I can't describe the way I feel
No words can draw it out
It's just so unexplainable
I can't say what it's about.


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  • 15 years ago

    by XxxTheDarkestAngelxxX

    I really like this poem...it kinda almost says what I feel. lol. 5/5 for me. Keep them coming, i'm loving ur work.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessie


    They do not think I'm a lesbian..and if you keep thinking I am..you obviously don't know me as well as I thought you did. >,<
    I never thought you were gaay.

  • 18 years ago

    by disturbed one

    Lol thats so true about u...no wonder ur parents think ur like...lesbian or something...i know ive thought about it but then i realize uve gone out with a guy b4 lol...